4 Reasons Former Journalists Make Great PR Professionals

Every PR professional knows businesses often have insights to share with the public, products to announce and events to promote. And spreading those messages often includes getting stories in newspapers and on TV. But getting a journalist’s attention requires special skills and insight.
How to Grow Personally & Professionally in 3 Simple Steps

February is an interesting month. It’s squeezed between the excitement of a new year and the anticipation of spring. It’s also the month my daughter turns 18.
Lessons From Small Town USA

Candor represents multiple clients who have been expanding westward to rural Oklahoma. We’ve spent many hours in the land of cowboy boots and pie auctions, and we’ve learned a few things along the way.
The Horror: 7 Scary Things Clients Say to Agencies

Want to give a PR pro nightmares? In honor of Halloween, here are seven of the scariest things we hear from clients and prospects.
Selling up the Chain of Command

Sometimes the most important sale to be made is within our own organization.
Keeping It Real on Social Media

Did you see the story recently about coffee shops shutting down Wi-Fi to force people to interact? What about the memes of people glued to their mobiles in front of great works of art? Have you heard high-school dances are going extinct because teens would rather just Snapchat each other?
3 Ways to Ditch the Press Conference

Candor recently helped a client open a new location. They wanted to generate buzz and excitement. In the past, we would have suggested blowing up some balloons, ordering a backdrop and a podium. Then, we would hope the press showed up for our news conference (maybe we’d even let them know there would be cookies). Now, we have much better ways to share big developments.
Sometimes You Have to Crack an Egg

I can’t imagine a business owner giving up $500 a month over a 33-cent item. At least, I couldn’t until I heard Todd Duncan’s story on The EntreLeadership Podcast about a restaurant refusing to put a fried egg on his hamburger.
Rough Landings Made Right: Don’t Leave Your Audience Up in the Air

Coming home from a vacation in paradise always hurts a little. On a recent trip, poor corporate communication made it worse, until a quick-thinking flight attendant eased the pain.
Aligning the Walk and Talk

Sometimes threats to reputation arise from unexpected circumstances. Sometimes they don’t.